Pride 2024 #ProudParent

June is the month when the world celebrates rainbow love - the love of LGBTIQ+ people who, even today, still have to fight for equal human rights. The topic of social equality is very close to Dedoles' heart, which is why every year we try to put our hand to work and help our queer friends on the road to acceptance. This year we focused on the most important form of love - parental love.

Stories where love won #ProudParent

Check out three inspiring family stories that show how life can be both colourful and happy thanks to the support of our loved ones. If you or someone you care about is going through a coming out, listen to the experiences of people who have put their prejudices aside and decided to find a way to accept their loved ones.

▶ Proud parent

Parental love is the foundation of all love. It is love in its purest possible form. This love is unconditional and boundless. Whatever happens, this bond lasts forever.

We want the best for our children and often dream about their future. However, these dreams can dissolve as they embark on their journey and discover for themselves who they want to be in life. We have to realise that they might be different. They have different feelings, hopes and oftentimes a different sexual orientation. Parenting comes with many challenges - and this is one of them.

Accepting that our child is a part of the queer community may not be easy. The fear of the unknown is accompanied by concerns about how society will respond to this reality. Sooner or later we will come to realise that the opinions of others are not important. Especially not to our children. They need us, just as much as before. They need our support and an embrace that is always open for them.

Let's talk, let's give weight even to the words we don't grasp and let's turn anger and anxieties into a renewed effort to understand each other. Because if we have the support of our loved ones, we have everything in the world.

We are the ones who make it in the end. The ones who put pride and prejudice aside and decided to love the soul of a person, no matter what body it resides in. That we can be PROUD about.

We at Dedoles believe, that parental love is boundless and can overcome anything. Join us and help us create a more beautiful place to live together. #ProudParent

Join the rainbow challenge

Parental love should not be conditional and should be able to overcome anything. Despite that, many do not receive support from their family and loved ones. Fortunately, there are non-profit organisations that stand by them and support people in these cases.

Just like previous years, they have our support too. OZ Dedoles SK is donating a finantial contribution from Dedoles Change, starting at € 5 000, however, your involvement can increase this contribution up to € 12 000. All you have to do is comment on our social media posts in June about what proud love means to you. For every comment, we will redistribute an additional € 5 to OZ Iniciativa Inakost.

Support your loved ones

If you also want to support your loved ones by participating in this years rainbow march, download the banner, thanks to which you can let the world know that you're PROUD of them. You can download the banner HERE.

Say it with a gift! ❤

The most beautiful gift we can give is our support. But sometimes it's hard to find the right words. Thet's why we have a little tip for you. Discover the Proud gift and use it to show your support and acceptance. Take a step forward and express your love without wasting words! Choose from dozens of colorful pieces in our assortment HERE →

Don't be alone in this

If you don't feel enough support from those around you or you are struggling with your mental health, don't hesitate to seek help from a nearby non-profit organisation. They can help you get through the toughest times and provide the support we all deserve.

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